Sunday, April 20, 2014

Let me be the 1 to say it.

I was wondering if Ellen reads my blog, and if she doesn't, she should be doing other things, then I wonder about how she has time and interest in us online or me.  I was thinking, and you know people here are making clicks and stuff in my room like talking and watching me in private.  Well, suddenly, my dad keeps snoring.  Sometimes, he does that when I watch TV.  He did it as that thought came across to me..  I thought he said I wasn't even a soul.  I don't need that.  You all or whoever at the correct moment spring and make Ellen sound like a real person and me not now.  And you all like defend her and all that.  It's like she's the world ruler.  I'm not trying to be mean.  She is so elevated.  No one would ever say this about me if it weren't for all that weird stuff that's been happening to me.  People here got ^antsy^ and were mean to me, sensing I failed and withdrew in college and did it more than once.  Now, no one is nice to me, and I like lost my family.  That's not ^okay for tomorrow^ here.  I feel wiped of my past.  I'm fat.  Fat from up north.  Maybe, I needed it.  I guess I am just not really rich enough to go on my own diet.  I was on a diet, but I got tired of this..  I just realized I don't want 2 things to happen next to each other and never get it out properly, so.  I just realized something important.  People in Orlando don't trust me so are always mean.  They keep wanting to revel in Florida just being a parking lot.

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